
Krause Estate Planning & Elder Law Center Becomes a Carbonfree® Partner

Blue, green, and yellow Carbonfree(r) partner logo

Making an estate plan is largely about protecting future generations, and at Krause Estate Planning & Elder Law Center, we are committed to leaving behind a better world for both our children and grandchildren and yours. That is why we’ve joined the Carbonfree® Partner Program to help calculate, reduce, and offset our carbon footprint. By purchasing carbon offsets, we have made our law firm a carbon-free business and helped toward its mission of a ZeroCarbon™ World.

How Our Partnership Helps uses the money from our carbon offset purchases to support third-party validated and verified renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reforestation projects worldwide. By reducing what we can and offsetting what we cannot, we are helping reduce carbon dioxide emissions across the world and mitigating the threat of climate change.

Partner With Us

Although we have been protecting your family and legacy since 1999, we are always looking for new ways to look out for the generations that come next.

We are proud to be a carbon-free business, but we would be even prouder to help you and your family create a customized estate plan.

Discuss your plan with our compassionate attorney today and be proud of what you leave behind – get started at (608) 344-5491 or online.

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